Over 1,100 artists and arts workers told us about their experiences and the change that they want to see regarding workplace sexual harassment in Canadian performing arts, film, and television industries, based on the first-ever Canadian survey on this topic in this sector.

Because the sample was not random, we know that survey respondents might not be representative of all workers in these industries (often referred to as “the sector” in this report). The strength of the non-random approach is that 1,102 people chose to tell us their stories. We are astounded by the overall number of responses and are incredibly grateful to each respondent.

Most of all, we are stunned by what people told us. Three key findings from the survey are the prevalence of experiences of sexual harassment, the negative impacts on survivors’ mental health, and the need for an independent reporting body.

Results at a glance

  • 92% of respondents have experience workplace sexual harassment
  • During their arts careers, 92% of survey respondents (almost 1,000 people) experienced or witnessed some form of sexual harassment.
  • Even among people with only a few years of experience in the sector – workers who started after the #MeToo movement began in 2017 – 87% have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment.
  • 82% of respondents (about 850 people) have personally experienced sexual harassment.
  • 90% (953 people) have witnessed sexual harassment happening to someone else around them.

About the Survey

The Survey of Workplace Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Performing Arts, Film, and Television Industries employed a survivor-centred and trauma-informed approach throughout the survey design and outreach The survey was completed by:

  • 1,102 individuals, including 873 who completed the survey in English (79%)
  • 229 in French (21%).

Survey outreach included significant social media efforts and direct communication with many unions, arts service organizations, and associations across the country. Because the sample was not random, margins of error have not been estimated for the results.