We’ve done our best to make the information on this site useful, accurate, and relevant. Here’s how we did it.
First, we conducted surveys, interviews, and user tests with more than 2,000 people who have experienced sexual harassment at work in Canada. Those people ranged in age from 18 to 60 years old (average age: 28), they were in every province and territory, the majority were female, and the majority were not white. We asked them to tell us what kinds of questions and problems they’d had when they were being harassed. Then we designed and wrote this site based on what they told us.
Everybody who shared your experiences with us: we are so grateful for your help. Thank you.
Then we assembled a group of people with expertise in sexual harassment, employment law, human rights law, trauma, mental health, and wellness to draft the articles. Their work was supported by professional writers and editors.
Most of the legal information on the site was drafted by the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (BSCC), a Toronto-based clinic that provides trauma-informed legal, counselling, and interpretation services to marginalized and racialized populations of women and gender-diverse survivors of violence. That work was led by Callandra Cochrane, a lawyer with the BSCC, and overseen by lawyer Deepa Mattoo, the clinic’s executive director.
Then a different set of experts reviewed all the drafts, in case we had made any mistakes in the writing or editing process. Many of the people who did that were volunteers, donating their time.
We want to thank everyone who contributed their knowledge and expertise.
In addition to the help we got from the experts named on this page, we also relied on dozens of academic studies, surveys, and books about sexual harassment. You can read the complete list here, including summaries and links to full-text articles.
Here are the people who helped create the information on this site. To all of you: Thank you. We deeply appreciate your help.
- Kathleen Avery, LLB; lawyer, Yukon Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board
- Barbara Bergmann, JD; lawyer, Workplace Sexual Harassment Clinic/Yukon Legal Services Society
- Meredith Brown, JD; lawyer, Calibrate
- Stephen Carpenter, LLB; lawyer, Workers Compensation Board of PEI
- Amber Chisholm, JD; associate director, Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick (PLEIS-NB)
- Callandra Cochrane, JD; lawyer, Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
- Alexander Dezan, JD; legal counsel, Yukon Human Rights Commission
- Sandra Guarascio, JD; lawyer, investigator, facilitator, Roper Greyell LLP Employment + Labour Lawyers
- Andrea Gunraj, vice-president, public engagement, Canadian Women’s Foundation
- Sara Hanson, JD; senior associate, Moore Edgar Lyster LLP
- Noah Jacobs, BA; Public Legal Information Association of NL
- Khurram Khurshid, LLB; research officer, New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
- Raphaëlle Laframboise-Carignan, JD; lawyer, RavenLaw LLP
- Kevin Love, JD; lawyer, Community Legal Assistance Society, BC
- Sarah McCoubrey, BFA, JD, MEd; lawyer, Calibrate
- Lesley McCullough, JD; founder and director, Workplace Sexual Harassment Legal Clinic, Yukon
- Alison McEwen, JD; RavenLaw LLP
- Garreth McGrath, JD; legal support navigator, Public Legal Information Association of NL
- Sarah McHugh-Wade, BA; legal support navigator, the Journey Project
- Sandra MacKenzie, JD; lawyer, Lawson Lundell LLP
- Anna-Marie Manley, LLB; lawyer, Patterson Law
- Deepa Mattoo, LLB; lawyer and executive director, Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
- Loretta Merritt, LLB, LLM; lawyer, Torkin Manes Barristers & Solicitors
- Chetan Muram, JD; counsel, Toronto Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic
- Gobhina Nagarajah, JD; staff solicitor, Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission
- Alex Norris, JD; associate, Carbert Waite LLP
- Anita Nowinka, BSc, JD; associate, Carbert Waite LLP
- Kim Nutz, JD; Sunstone Legal in association with West Legal
- Kevin O’Shea, JD; executive director, Public Legal Information Association of NL
- Coral Rajchgot, LLB, JD; former intern, Aftermetoo
- Carley Reynolds, BA, criminology; JD; counsel, Donich Law
- Lucie Roubin, avocate, Juripop
- Ginette Savoie, director, Workers’ Advocate, Government of New Brunswick
- Paméla Schiavoni, JD; lawyer, New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
- Mary Shortall, president, Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour
- Morgan Sim, JD, MA, international relations; lawyer, Parker Sim LLP
- Cécile Simon, JD; avocate-conseillère, Juripop, Bureau du respect de la personne
- Michelle Squires, JD; project manager, Canadian Mental Health Association, York Region
- Dayna Steinfeld, LLB, JD; Winnipeg lead lawyer, RavenLaw LLP
- Keir Vallance, JD; lawyer, Bainbridge Jodouin Cheecham Barristers & Solicitors
- Sherri Walsh, JD; managing partner, Hill Sokalski Walsh LLP
- Madeleine Werker, JD; associate, Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLP
- Canadian Labour Congress
- Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission
If you see a mistake on this page—if your name should be listed here and isn’t, or if your name is here and you’d like it removed, or if we’ve made a typo or other error—we’re sorry. Please tell us and we’ll fix it right away.
The organizations
We are grateful for the support of our partner organizations.

Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) launched in 1999 as the first national Indigenous broadcaster in the world. Since then, the network has become a global leader in programming that celebrates the rich diversity of Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island and beyond.

The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic is a Toronto-based clinic that provides trauma-informed legal, counselling and interpretation services to marginalized and racialized populations of women and gender-diverse survivors of violence.

At CALIBRATE, we work toward concrete improvements in access to justice, human rights, and gender equality as critical elements of a healthy democracy. CALIBRATE is committed to improving justice systems, cultivating dialogue, and fostering innovative approaches to addressing access to justice issues. Our approach is person-centred, trauma-informed, anti-racist and practical. We work collaboratively. Our work has impacts that increase the ability of people to act on their rights and the capacity of institutions to provide rights-based and modern services.
The Canadian Women’s Foundation is a national leader in the movement for gender equality in Canada. Through funding, research, advocacy, and knowledge sharing, CWF works to achieve systemic change.

The Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children was founded in 1992 as a collaborative venture between The University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College and the London Coordinating Committee to End Women Abuse. The centre was established in response to a federal study on the problem of violence against women, prompted by the 1989 murder of 14 women at École Polytechnique in Montreal.

The Help and Information Center On Sexual Harassment in the Workplace is a non-profit community center who has been helping people who have been subjected to workplace harassment since 1980. Our main goal is to break the isolation surrounding these individuals and raise awareness about the issue.
Each year, The Law Foundation of Ontario awards millions of dollars to many carefully selected grantees. Through the work of grantees, and through funds paid to Legal Aid Ontario, the Foundation is carrying out its mission to advance access to justice in the province.

At Pitblado Law we build successful Relationships; treat people with Respect; and achieve exceptional Results. We focus on creating strong, long-lasting relationships and respect our clients by listening, engaging, and caring deeply. No matter how complex the matter is, we work tirelessly to achieve results that matter.