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We want to hear from you!

We are always seeking feedback, so we can make this site as enjoyable and useful as possible. We want to know about your experience here. Did you find what you were looking for? Was it easy? Was there anything you expected or wanted, that you didn’t get?

Please fill out the form below and one of our friendly staffers will email you to set up a Zoom conversation. Right after it, we’ll e-transfer you $100 for your time.

You’ll be helping make this site better for everyone!

We know this form is long, but please fill out the whole thing. Sometimes we’re seeking feedback from a particular kind of person, and your answers are how we’ll know if you’re a fit. Thank you!
What has brought you to the Aftermetoo website?
How much time have you spent here?
What is your gender?
Are you 2SLGBTQIA+ (or queer)?
Are you trans?
Do you live in a rural, remote or northern part of Canada?
Are you Canadian or do you live in Canada?
Are you non-status, a refugee, an immigrant or newcomer to Canada?
Do you consider yourself to be racialized?
Do you consider yourself to be currently disabled?
Which of the following best describes you?
Do you consider yourself to be low-income?
Have you experienced workplace sexual harassment?