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All articles tagged “you're not alone”

20 ways to take care of your mental health

November 18, 2022 - Jaylin Bradbury | 20 ways to take care of your mental health

Heal 8-minute read

Why we blame ourselves and what can help

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | After being sexually harassed, it’s really common for people to blame themselves. For some people, in some circumstances, i...

Learn 6-minute read

Depression and sadness: Why we feel them and what can help

November 15, 2022 - Jaylin Bradbury | Maybe you were depressed or sad before you got harassed. Or maybe feelings of depression, numbness, hopelessness, and sadness...

Heal 6-minute read

Grief and loss: Why we feel them and what can help

November 15, 2022 - Jaylin Bradbury | In this article, we’ll describe why we may feel grief and loss when we’re sexually harassed, and what can help us to feel...

Heal 6-minute read

How to decide whether to change your career to get away from harassment—and how to make that work

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | There are some industries and types of work where harassment is really, really common. It’s not unusual for people to get i...

Heal 7-minute read

How whisper networks can help keep you safe at work

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | Whisper networks can help keep you safe at work. Here, we’ll tell you what a whisper network is and how they work, what the...

Act 6-minute read

What is workplace sexual harassment?

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | This article describes what workplace sexual harassment is and who tends to get harassed the most, and gives some common exam...

Learn 3-minute read

How to decide whether to go public, and how to protect yourself if you do

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | If you’re reading this, you’re probably trying to decide whether to go public about being sexually harassed. You’re in...

Act 9-minute read

How sexual harassment can hurt you financially

November 15, 2022 - Aftermetoo | When we think about sexual harassment, we don’t usually think about it as a financial problem. But the truth is sexual hara...

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